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71 Mustache Gift Ideas for People That Cherish the ‘Stache

A list of gifts pertaining to mustaches may seem a little strange, but take a moment to consider the popularity that they have gained in recent years. You see the most randomly mustache themed things nowadays-mustache duct tape, mustache shirts, mustache glasses… why? You can disguise anything with a mustache, you see. If you don’t want the broken car window you taped over to look so obviously taped, use the mustache duct tape. No one will even blink an eye.

71 Mustache Gifts for People That Cherish the 'Stache.

Mustache T-Shirt

I mustache you just one question-where did you find that glorious shirt?


You want to be classy and stylish when you sip your drink, but you just can?t grow a mustache. Or you simply don’t want one all the time. Either way, this is the answer to your random problem.

Sun-Stache Sunglasses

Sunny, cloudy, daytime, nighttime, it doesn?t matter where or when you wear these sunglasses. Why? Because it’s never a bad time to wear a mustache.

Mustache Cookie Cutters

You can wear the results, eat the results, and exalt in the fact that you have a set of cookie cutters shaped liked mustaches.

Mustache Shower Curtain

Nobody will even know you’re in the shower with a mustache shower curtain to disguise you. That could be a good thing or a bad thing, but either way you have a mustache shower curtain, and that’s what counts.

Mustache Duck Tape

When using Duck Tape, you’re usually fixing something. Usually, that fixing isn’t fun. Enter mustach patterned Duck Tape-it will make even the most tedious of taping chores more enjoyable.

Mustache Pacifier

Just because wee little ones can’t grow mustaches doesn’t mean they can?t have them! With this pacifier not only do youngsters to enjoy a mustache, adults will get a grand chuckle out of it as well (which is-let’s be honest parents- really why it’s there in the first place.)

Mustache Bandages

Boo-boos = bandages, mustaches = much needed cheer, so combine the bandage and the mustache and you have a beautiful thing. Also, if you happen to nick yourself shaving and need to cover it up, people will simply admire the full mustache that you apparently grew overnight.


These temporary ‘stache tattoos are perfect for on the go fun. They’re also handy if you need to quickly disguise yourself like, say, when you want to avoid an awkward run-in with someone-you-know-but-don’t-really-know-but-you’re-still-obligated-to-talk-to.

Mustache Lollipop

It’s a lollipop-or is it? It’s actually a lollipop mustache combo-hold it up to your face and you can enjoy surgery candy that you?re not really supposed to be eating, and without anyone noticing.

Mustache Cufflinks

You will never fail to impress a date if you wear these. Ever. In fact, just expect a proposal the next day.

Crustache Crust Cutter

Why leave the crust on your sandwich when you can have a crust-less sandwich shaped like a mustache? For a themed party or everyday use, the Crustache Crust Cutter will please those with the pickiest appetites, and the pickiest sense of humor.


What makes a soft, squishy, polar bear plush even more desirable than it was before? Giving it a mustache and naming it Snuffles.

Iphone Case

iMustache-protect your gadgets from harm and damage while keeping them incognito with these cases.

Stache Straws

Attaching a mustache to a straw…genius. Take a sip, watch people laugh, set your drink down. Take a sip, watch people laugh some more, set your drink down. Repeat 10 more times.

Mustache Picks

If you can’t bake for anything, disguise the dreadful flavor with a mustache pick. Nobody can resist a cupcake with a mustache resting on it, and they won’t even notice the taste. If you can bake and you use mustache picks, well, you essentially rule the world.

Ice Cube Tray

Ice cubes never get enough credit. The chill our drinks and they can become the highlight of your day when they?re shaped like mustaches.

Humunga Stache

They may or may not keep it on, but seeing your dog with a giant mustache for even the briefest of moments will be worth it. The attached ball gives you a better shot of seeing your dog flaunt a mustache-hopefully long enough to take a picture.


A mustache doesn’t just have to be on a face, they?ll bring humor and admiration to any situation, even when hanging on a necklace.

Mustache! By Mac Barnett

There aren’t enough children’s books out there that center around mustaches, which is all the more reason to snatch up the rare finds, such as Mac Barnetts ?Mustache!?

Lunch Disguise Sandwich Bags

No one is going to steal your lunch when it is disguised as a mustached dapper gentleman-even if that dapper gentleman is sitting in the fridge.

Drink Markers

No longer will there be confusion about whose drink is whose. Jimmy has the handlebar mustache on his, you have the Groucho one, Sally has the shaggy grandpa “stache” fool proof.

Handlebar Corkscrew

Open your drinks with pomp and pizazz every time using a corkscrew with a mustache handle.

Great Moustaches Mug

Waking up to a fresh cup of much needed coffee is a delight- waking up to a mug that will bring about that much needed laughter?even better.

Sock It To Me Socks

You may not be walking on sunshine, but you’ll feel like it when you wear socks decorated with mustaches. After all, sunshine and mustaches equate to the same joy anyways.


There is no need to feel guilty about eating candy when it’s well disguised, because then you just don’t know any better. How can you be blamed for eating candy when you didn?t even know it was candy? Shame on whoever set you up-though it must be noted that if you didn?t know it was candy, you were just chowing down on a mustache?

Sweet ‘Stache

This is a book that recognizes and celebrates all kinds of mustaches, and the well-known folks who sport them. The most important part is the mustaches though, forget the famous faces.

The Moustache Growers Guide

Grow, groom, and maintain the mustache of your dreams-nobody can deny that a well done Fu Manchu is a work of art.

Mustache Egg Fryer

Make any breakfast better with the addition of mustache shaped eggs! It may sound difficult, but it’s not, not when you have an egg fryer shaped like a mustache anyways.

Stud Earrings

Girl, boy, Martian, it doesn?t matter, these mustaches will compliment any ear-or disguise any ear, if you feel you need to follow that route.

Handlebar Mug

The classiest cup of coffee or tea you may ever have could be in this mug.

Laptop/Car/Wall Decal

It’s illegal to have windows that are too tinted, but nothing says you can’t disguise yourself. Plop a mustache decal on your window and you may as well be invisible. These are also good for the laptop that you secretly wish was a mustache, and walls as well.

Mustache Bag

Bag with a moustache on it.

Salvador Dali Watch

Dali’s greatest work of art was his mustache. This is why he has a wrist watch featuring him and his mustache-not him and a painting-him and his mustache.

Mustache Clock

Mustache time is all the time. If you need a reminder, you should get a mustache clock. You can also use it to tell real time -but that’s not as important.

Mustache Wax

Don’t panic-this isn?t wax to rip off a mustache. On the contrary, it helps keep mustaches and the people who sport them looking sharp and spiffy.


Need help remembering which key is for what? Cap them off with different ‘staches and you can?t go wrong. Unless you forget which ‘stache went with which key that went to…what? It doesn?t matter. There’s a mustache on your key.


If you’re looking for new ways to immerse yourself in the world of mustaches, look no further than your own bed. Resting your head on a giant ‘stache will bring you jolly thoughts day and night.

Magnetic Poetry Kit

Really, a good mustache is poetry on its own, but putting words to them is never a bad idea either. Forget the typical refrigerator magnet words-cover yours with words such as…well, equipped, upper, and lip.

Mustache Watch

Glancing at your watch and realizing you’re running late is stressful and unpleasant-but when you have a mustache for a clock center, it becomes much more bearable.

Stache Labbit Plush

One of the best plush critters out there. A purple rabbit thing with a thick, soft, mustache that it pulls off better than a lot of people, how can you resist?

Moustache Domo

Domo?doe he really need a mustache? Can you even really see the mustache? Is it truly significant? Yes, yes, yes, and before you ask, yes. Unless it was something negative, in which case, no. Never question Domo with a mustache.

With Great Moustache T-Shirt

Having a fabulous mustache is a blessing as well as a burden. When you start getting fed up with people asking if your mustache is real or not, simply look at this shirt to remind yourself that you are lucky to have such a ‘stache, and it is your duty to spread mustache love to the ill-informed.


Cousin to the mustache, beards should be acknowledged too. If you want to stay warm and pull off a rugged lumber-jack look at the same time, look no farther than Beardheads. Trees will bend to your will and snow will melt wherever you walk when wearing one. Warm lumber-jack mission: accomplished.

Goldminer T-Shirt

This shirt highlights the true value of a mustache. It depicts a haggard and thoroughly bearded gold miner right after he has left the mines. He is covered in soot and grime, but his mustache is coated with a golden shine.

I Am The Walrus T-Shirt

An excellent shirt for people who love mustaches, walrus, or mustached walrus’s.

Ask Me About My Mo T-Shirt

A mustache happens to make an excellent ice-breaker. Bring on the inquiries wearing this shirt that just plain puts it out there that you are ready and willing to talk about mustaches.

Moustache Is King Hoodie

This comfy hoodie pretty much sums it up on its own- Moustache Is King. It would make a particularly suiting gift for someone who very proudly sports their mustache.

Fuzzy Ink Iphone Cases

This unique collection stands out amongst a large crowd of other iPhone cases. Detailed, charming, and just generally quite cool, they’ll still protect your gadget like any other case would. Oh and of course, there?s a mustache slipped into each design somewhere.

Mustache On A Stick

A variety of mustaches on (you guessed it) sticks! They make prime props for photobooth, parties, weddings, birthdays, or you know really just everyday stuff. There is no shame in holding a mustache on a stick up to your face and walking down the street.

Food Face Plates

If you?re all for letting kids go ahead and play with their food, a Food Face Plate will provide an entertaining structure that doesn’t result in spaghetti on the walls. It also happens to be very easy to turn your food into a mustache with one as well.


A flock of flying mustaches, a well groomed, mustached gentleman riding his bike through a park…is there a more perfect scenario? Only if the bike was tandem and you yourself were flaunting your own dream mustache. Otherwise, no.

The Facial Hair Handbook

Written by a two-time reigning beard champion who won the Natural Full Beard division at the World Beard and Mustache Championships in Anchorage, Alaska and in England, this handbook can only steer you in the right direction of growing facial hair.

Beard Wash

When people have very full beards and mustaches, it is inevitable that others will wonder about what it takes to maintain them day to day- like when they eat does it get messy? We may never know, especially if they use Beard Wash. Beard Wash keeps beards softer, fuller looking, cleaner, and more mysterious as to how they got that way than ever before.


Of course there is a beard and moustache world championship, and of course it’s held in Alaska! If your even slightly curious as to what such a competition is like (and you know you are) “Beard” is a compilation of photos that document the weirdest, wackiest, longest, beards and mustaches you?ve ever seen.


10 different kinds of mustaches come printed on these sturdy little coasters. The more mustaches the merrier, so get all of them and enjoy setting your drink down like never before.

Tiny Moustache Necklace

You may be surprised to find that this is really a pretty little necklace. Coming in silver or antique bronze, it strikes a perfect balance between humor and class.

Nail Stickers

If wearing a mustache on your face or t-shirt just isn’t enough, go right ahead and pop these little ?staches on your nails.

Mr. & Mrs. Pillows

Nestle these pillows next to each other or use them to divide halves of the bed-however you use them, they’re funny and/or useful.

Mustache Stamp

There is no better way to sign your name than with a prime mustache stamped right next to it. No further explanation needed.


Made from clay, these carefully crafted pendants showcase the finer details of a mustache.

Big Moustache Hug

Round, squat, teal, and showing off a plump little mustache on its front, this mug holds a charm all its own.

Vinyl Wall Decal

This isn’t just any old wall decal, this mustache will turn whatever room it’s in into, basically, a barber shop. Well not really, but it?s still one good sized mustache.


Get yourself through the week by wearing a different mustache button every day-it gives you something to look forward to each morning, and you will look forward to it. It’s Mustache Monday to Mustache Sunday from here on out.

Fancy Pins

Snazzy vinyl mustache pins will add a touch of humor to whatever they’re attached to-and there is a shortage of happy humor these days, so do your civic duty and wear the pin.

Chocolate Mustache Lollipops

A mustache makes you laugh, chocolate makes you happy, and when they are combined into one tasty lollipop vessel, you might as well be taking a bite out of solid joy.

Mustache Soap

Some people might be a little uncomfortable with a mustache sitting in the shower with them, but chances are if you?re reading this list you won’t mind. If you want to take a mustache shaped soap bar one step farther, you can try out these-they give off a tobacco caramel scent.

Wrapping Paper

The next best thing to getting a mustache related present? Getting a present wrapped in mustache wrapping paper! For a double whammy, wrap a mustache gift in the mustache paper. Don?t worry, there is no such thing as too-much-mustache.

Chip Clips

These mustache chip clips will protect your crunchy snacks from becoming stale-which not only means your chips won?t get stale, but you also get to unclip and re-clip a mustache every time you munch.

Paper Clips

Silhouettes of mustaches make the perfect paper clip or book marker-you’ll be at least entertained by them, even if you are just separating a stack of papers at work.