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12 Life-Changing Health Gifts to Give Yourself This Christmas

These gifts can really be the difference maker in your quest for a healthier you. It’s always nice to take care of yourself, and giving yourself a gift to improve your health is the best sort of give you can give.

12 Life-Changing Health Gifts to Give Yourself This Christmas- love this! A must-read for anyone wanting to live a healthier life.

Exercise Cards

These visual Exercise Cards let you work out anywhere without equipment. There are 40 illustrated bodyweight exercises, 10 stretches and 6 simple workouts in the deck and the plastic cards are durable and waterproof. Available in Women’s and Men’s versions, it’s a perfect gift and stocking stuffer for anyone into fitness!


Nature Box

You’ll get all-natural snacks delivered right to your door so you won’t have to worry about making yourself a nutritious snack between meals. Snacks, or lack thereof, are often the make or break factor in any successful eating plan.


Smart Fork

This fork will help you slow down and savor your food. It will alert you if you’re eating too fast, which in turn will slow you down so you end up reading your full signal faster, eating less, and naturally slimming down. Great for Christmas season eating.

Prices Vary

Fitbit Charge

This is the latest incarnation of the FitBit device, which can track your steps throughout the day, and even monitors your sleep so you can get an objective idea of how healthy you are on a day to day basis.

Prices Vary

Adjustable Balance Ball Chair

Work out your core muscle group and improve posture with this adjustable balance ball chair. It provides a little instability which your body has to compensate for by flexing different muscles to keep you comfortably seated.


Gym Bag with Wet Pocket

This is the gym bag you’ve always wanted, and it could be just the thing that gets you going to the gym on a regular basis. It includes a wet pocket which will help keep all of your wet stuff away from your dry stuff.


Yoga Beginner’s Kit

Starting up with yoga is one of the most life-changing things you can do for your health. It increases flexibility, strength, and overall health. With this beginner’s kit you’ll have everything you need to start getting into it.

Prices Vary

Wii Fit U

The Wii Fit was a big success and now that the Wii U has arrived it only makes sense to upgrade to the Wii Fit U, which includes a balance board. This will help you tone and work out in different ways, and it tracks it all for you.


Yogurt Maker

Start your morning off with a serving of homemade yogurt and you’ll be getting protein and digestive assistance. This yogurt maker allows you to have quality control over the ingredients that go into your yogurt.


Adjustable Kettlebell

Rather than have a collection of free weights or kettlebells, you can give yourself this adjustable kettlebell and have a range of weights so that you can do different exercises at different weights. You can also increase the weights as you advance.

Prices Vary

Goji Play

This is the perfect device to make boring cardio a lot more bearable. You can play video games while you’re working out, and the time passes and before you know it you’ve done something great for your body.

Prices Vary

Filtering Water Bottle

This water bottle makes every water fountain you see a potential refueling station. It filters the water as you drink so you can add tap water and not have to worry if you’re drinking in contaminants or chemicals.


8 DIY Gifts for Better Health

DIY Cleaning Products

Changing out the cleaning products in your home to all natural ones is a must if you want to be truly healthy. This tutorial will show you how to arm yourself with an array of cleaning products that will get your place spic and span the natural way.

Make Your Own Natural Disinfectant

Stay healthy this year when everyone else is coming down with a cold or the flu by making yourself some of this natural disinfectant. It’s a better alternative than the store bought stuff and is easy to make at home.

Homemade Laundry Detergent

When you make your own laundry detergent you can use better ingredients, ones that won’t cause allergic reactions to your skin or give you any breathing problems. This is a nice recipe to follow for detergent that actually works.

Yoga Mat Shoulder Strap

Here’s a great way to make a shoulder strap to lug around your yoga mat between sessions. It will make it very comfortable for you to tote your mat around, and it is easy to make out of commonly found craft items.

Yoga Belt

This yoga belt will help you stretch out your body during a yoga routine, and is so easy to make you’ll wonder why you didn’t make one of these sooner. See how much it helps make your sessions better.

DIY iPod Holder

A jog or run just goes better when you’ve got your tunes with you, and this iPod holder attaches to your arm so that it’s not in the way. Why get one from the store when you can make your own and custom fit it to your arm and iPod.

Homemade All Purpose Cleaner

This all-purpose cleaner is great to have around the home and can be used on a multitude of surfaces. It’s a better option than one of those harsh chemical cleaners that are not good for your body.

Yoga Headband 3 Ways

Here’s how to rock a yoga headband in three different styles. It’s a nice addition to your yoga set of equipment, and will help you to stick with yoga long enough to see results. Make your own and save on a store bought headband.


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