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12 Insanely Funny Gifts for Lawyers

Here are some of the funniest gifts for lawyers that pokes fun at their profession and gives them some added perspective about their role in the world. From jokes to gags you’ll come out a winner with any of these choices.

12 Insanely Funny Gifts for Lawyers- just don’t use the BS button in court.

Disappearing Civil Liberties Mug

They’re sure to get a kick as certain civil liberties disappear once they pour a hot cup of coffee into this mug. It uses the real bill of rights, but conveniently causes some of those rights to go away as it warms, and return when it cools.


Law School in a Box

By saying that you can fit everything that’s learned in law school into a box, you’re basically saying that anyone can learn it. Give them this box and they’re sure to crack up as they check out all of the funny things it includes in its quick recap.


Brass Knuckles Mug

When you need a lawyer, you want a tough lawyer that will go to work for you. That’s why you can get a lawyer this brass knuckles coffee mug so they can kick butt and take names while sipping their morning cup of joe.


The Billable Hour Brass Clock

All lawyers really care about is their billable hours, and this brass clock is the perfect reminder that the clock is always ticking. It looks like a decorative clock, but upon further inspection you can see that it says The Billable Hour on it.


Legal Decision Maker Paperweight

This paperweight might not be too far from the truth, which is a scary thing. Come up with a legal question and it will give you a legal decision just by giving it a spin. In some cases it’s just as accurate as coming up with a true legal verdict.


The World’s Funniest Lawyer Jokes

Every lawyer loves a good lawyer joke, and this book is filled with the funniest ones of all time. There’s sure to be ones in here that they haven’t heard yet, as well as some classic ones that you can’t hear too many times.


Come Back with a Warrant Doormat

If you’ve got the sort of lawyer that has police and investigators showing up at his office, you may just have the right lawyer for your needs if you’ve done something shady. This is a hilarious doormat that’s perfect for a lawyer that bends the rules a bit.


Insults and Comebacks

Most every lawyer is equipped with the perfect witty comeback to any insult you might throw at them, and ready with just the right barb in case you want to get into an insult match. This book is from The Onion who wrote the book on satirical wittiness that always wins.


Official BS Button

Lawyers are artists when it comes to BS, so give them this official BS button and they’ll be able to press it whenever one of their lawyer buddies says something that’s just totally full of it. Bright red with white letters means you can read it from 20 feet away.


Better Call Saul Coffee Mug

Saul was one lawyer that is definitely not a role model for how lawyers should behave, but if you know they emulate him anyway you’re safe getting them this Better Call Saul coffee mug. It features the iconic lawyer from Breaking Bad pointing at you.


Kill All the Lawyers Paperweight

Even in Shakespeare’s time they realized that lawyers were the cause of, not the solution to, many of life’s problems. This paperweight keeps everything in perspective and lets them know that we don’t really need them around for a functioning society.


The New Yorker Book of Lawyer Cartoons

Leave it to The New Yorker to come up with some of the funniest lawyer cartoons. Some of them might be a little too highbrow for them to get, but surely they’ll be able to figure out what most of them mean without any explanation.


8 DIY Gifts for Lawyers

DIY Glass Paperweights

These glass paperweights help them make heads or tails out of their paperwork, and organize things into two nice piles. One pile they need to file away, and another pile they still need to work with. Even in our digital age, many lawyer still get inundated with paperwork.

Rearrangeable Magnetic Board

This rearrangeable magnetic board will help keep them on track during the week, with reminders right where they will see them most often. Staying on track with their schedule is tough, and you’ll be helping out with this gift.

Rustic Sawhorse Desk

If they need a home office space to work from, you can make this rustic sawhorse desk. Just be sure it goes with the rest of the decor they’ve established. They’ll be able to work well from this desk, because it has a nice width and is sturdy to hold paperwork and more.

Faux Gold Pencil Holder

We all know lawyers make enough to go buy a real gold pencil holder, but you can make them this faux gold pencil holder for a small fraction of the price. It will look stunning while being very functional and helping to clean up a messy desk.

Copper Ampersand

Here’s the perfect gift to give them when they make partner. This means their name will be in the firm’s title and there will be an ampersand added. It’s a very thoughtful gift at a very exciting time in any lawyers life.

DIY Desk Organizer

This desk organizer has a very classic look to it, and is great because it can be used for an inbox and an outbox. Papers that need to be looked at go in the bottom, while papers that need to be filed go in the top.

Upcycled Laptop Table

For times when they take their work home with them, i.e. all the time, give them this upcycled laptop table so they can comfortably work from the comfort of the couch or bed. It’s easy to make, and comes out looking really nice.

Stamped Leather Tie Clip

Give them this stamped leather tie clip and they’ll have a personalized accessory that they can wear every day. You can make it with the ampersand, or put their initials on it to make it even more customized. The leather gives it a nice finished look.

1 Comment

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  1. Jillian says:

    Thanks for the feature! Love the idea of using the ampersand for a lawyer gift – so clever!

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