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15 Somewhat Inappropriate Gifts for Doctors

These gifts for doctors walk the line between being appropriate and inappropriate, so be sure that you’ve sized up your doc and know their personality before making a purchase. These are sure to raise some eyebrows and put a smile on their face if you get it right.

15 Somewhat Inappropriate Gifts for Doctors- help give them a laugh with these funny gifts! Because their job is already serious enough.

Pee Sample Candy

When a patient sees their doctor start to eat what looks like a pee sample, you know that they’re going to be shocked and appalled. This is for those doctors that like to prank their patients in order to make them laugh and feel better.


Prescription Coffee Mug

Caffeine is one of the last legal drugs, so it’s not too far of a stretch to refer to it as a prescription. This coffee mug has cutesy little sayings on it like how much of a dose needs to be taken, and how many refills are left, just like a real drug bottle.


Fake Prescription Pad

One major job of a doctor is to write prescriptions, and this prescription pad lets them put down all sorts of funny things. They can say that you need to get some more sunshine, or they can say that you need to go out and party to cure the blues.

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Band-Aid Neck Tie

This neck tie features a big adhesive bandage that covers the entire length of the tie. It’s the perfect gift for doctors that see a lot of kids with their various booboos. You have to make sure that the doctor you get this for has the right sense of humor to pull it off.


Funny Tees

This shirt says “Medicine is the Best Medicine” a play on the phrase “Laughter is the best medicine” and the perfect shirt for a doctor to wear. Many doctors give prescriptions for even the slightest ailments, so they are the perfect candidates to wear this shirt.


Human Organ Lunch Box

No one will want to sit next to the doctor that has this as their lunch box. They have the perfect attire to go along with the box, a white coat and perhaps a stethoscope. It looks like they’ve made a huge mix up and are about to eat someone’s organ for lunch.


Shut the Hell Up Gum

There are some patients out there that just need a good piece of shut the hell up. For those times the jokester doctor out there can offer them a piece of gum. They need to have the right bedside manner with the patient already establish to make it work.


Giant Gummy Heart

This giant gummy heart barely fits into their hand, and is made of edible gummy, so a doctor can really gross out their patient with it if they start to eat it. Depending on the doctor it’s either appropriate or inappropriate, especially if they’re a cardiologist!


Emergency Underpants Dispenser

Doctors deal with all sorts of situations in a given day, and surely there are times when someone needs a change of underpants. How funny is it when they can offer them a pair of underpants out of a dispenser, just like offering a Kleenex or something.


How to Live with a Huge Penis Book

This is a great book for the doctor that has a lot of confidence, whether or not that have the member to back up the title of this book. They can either “get caught” reading it, or they can leave it on their desk as if they’ve been studying up on the subject.



It’s hard to take your doctor seriously when they’re wearing a pair of underpants as a headpiece. Doctors need to keep their hair out of their face while they’re doing their job, and if they have a zany sense of humor they’ll love seeing the look on their patient’s faces.


Prescription Beer Cozy

This beer cozy has beer listed as the prescription, with all sorts of funny sayings all over it. Since many people have “Miller Time” as their daily unwind, it makes sense that a doctor would add a bunch of prescription terminology to an alcoholic beverage.


Pair of Pajamas

The sillier you get with the pair of pajamas, the more inappropriate it will be. These comfy pjs come in a wide variety of styles, so you can pick one that fits them best. You can make a joke that they have to get their beauty rest.


You’re Only Old Once!

Here’s a book that doctor’s can give to their older patients when they start to get cranky. It’s a reminder of all of the things there are to enjoy in old age, and puts a positive spin on a time in people’s lives where they start to get a bit grumpy about life.


Nerve Cell Plush

This nerve cell plush can be used in a number of ways, from showing patients why an injury hurts so much, to telling people that this is their last nerve so be careful. It has a striking look to it, and is a good way to help people picture the things that are in their bodies.


3 DIY Gifts for Doctors

DIY Little Book of Hope

Doctors work in a stressful environment and see all facets of life. Often they are the ones that have to give families bad news about loved ones. This little book of hope can help to keep their spirits up and can be just what they need to have a good day.

DIY Chalkboard Clipboard

Many doctors like to bring their charts with them wherever they go. This clipboard allows them to keep track of documents and make personal notes in chalk for later. They can make a to-do list or write down reminders for later viewing.

DIY Wood Photo Blocks

Every doctor has family photos they like to have in their office as a reminder of why they work such long hours. These wood photo blocks are nice because they can easily swap out the photos with new ones as the family grows.


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